▶ Virus hot spot with mass illnesses among pensioners in the St. Barbara house in Vienna
▶ Physician Prof. Dr. Hutter from MedUni warns against relaxing the obligation to wear masks too early
The virus is far from defeated! Now there is an alarm around a new corona case with mass infections in a pensioners house St. Barbara with 268 inhabitants in Vienna-Liesing. It started harmlessly with two cases during the first health check in early June. The result: Nine elderly people from the retirement and nursing home are lying in hospitals. In addition, ten home residents are isolated on site and seven staff members are in domestic quarantine, mostly symptom-free.
Particularly dramatic: another six of the pensioners who tested positive for Covid-19 between the ages of 85 and 100 – admittedly with some pre-existing conditions – have died! There is a temporary stop of visits and admissions. A nationwide testing by the Red Cross is being prepared for the end of next week.
How dangerous the lung disease still is, is also shown by the warning of a renowned local physician after the fall of the mask duty. “I would have wished that the wearing of a mouth and nose protector, especially in supermarkets, had been compulsory for a longer period of time”, emphasises Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Hutter, MedUni Vienna.
80 percent of all infections can be prevented by masks, with additional distance it is even almost 100 percent.
Wait until there is medication
Appeal of the expert: Only if everyone continues to use a mouth and nose protector can the spread of the coronavirus be kept as low as before. He would have “waited until autumn with this special relaxation”.
This would make it possible to treat serious cases more quickly and prevent the risk of overburdening the health system.
— Hector Pascua, Reports from ORF News and Kronen Zeitung
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